What started out as a quick sketch evolved into a more complete piece. It had to be Raphael as he’s the best. So there! 🤪
I actually like how it came out (which is rare) and so it made it onto the studio wall 😁
#turtles #turtle #raphael #leanardo #donatello #michealangelo #splinter #nycsewers #ooze #mutantmayhem #turtlepower #ninja #80s #cartoonart #animation #toys #comics #eastman #laird #fanart

Something a little different from my normal darker pieces. This stag piece was great fun to do.
#stag #deer #stagtattoo #deertattoo #animaltattoo #naturetattoo #nature #animals

It’s been a while since I’ve illustrated a blank variant and what better way to get back into it than ‘Alien’. Still just as amazing as the first time I watched it.
#xenomorph #xeno #alien #aliens #alien3 #alienresurrection #Iv426 #theeighthpassenger #facehugger #chestburster #nostromo #narcissus #hrgiger #biomechanical #horrormovies #fanart #scifiart #horrorart #comics

It was blast to do this Kessler Wolf from An American Werewolf in London. One of my favourite horror movies for as long as I can remember and the greatest transformation sequence ever seen in a werewolf movie.
#anamericanwerewolfinlondon #johnlandis #rickbaker #werewolf #wolf #wolflover #wolfart #beast #horror #horrormovies #horrorlover #horroraddict #horrorclassic #gore #80s #80shorror #scary #american #london #movies #film #horrorart #horrortattoo #werewolftattoo

Frankensteins Monster sketch.
I kept it simple and relaxed with this one. Just putting lines down where felt right with no end goal.
#frankenstein #frankensteinsmonster #maryshelley #universalmonsters #universalstudios #classicmonsters #boriskarloff

The Lord of Darkness.
Among the fantasy movies of the 80s was ‘Legend’. A little too dark for many audiences leading to it often being overlooked and underrated. A true 80s dark fantasy gem.
#darkness #lordofdarkness #darknesslegend #timcurry #timcurrylegend #tomcruise #fairy #goblin #unicorn #fantasy #fantasymovies #fairytail #fantasyart #fantasytattoo

🐺 A recent wolf piece and great opportunity to work on hair textures. Next step… maybe a werewolf 🤔😉
#wolf #wolftattoo #wolfart #wildanimals #animaltattoo #wolfportrait #animalart

Art the Clown! 🤡🔪🩸This was awesome fun to do! Although I wasn’t a fan of the first Terrifier movie, Art grew on me throughout the trilogy and now I find them a riot! 😁
#arttheclown #terrifier #terrifier2 #terrifier3 #terrifiermovie #arttheclowntattoo #horrormovies #horrorfan #horrortattoo #horrorart

It’s time to down tools for 2024. It’s been a year of big changes. Thanks to family, friends and clients for their love and support. See you in 2025. It’s going to be an exciting one!🤘
#christmas #christmastattoo #tattooartist #tattooist #tattooart #tattooing #tattoolife #tattoolove #tattoolovers #tattoo

Sweeney Todd.
A bit of charcoal sketch fun when I couldn’t sleep at 4am this morning. My eyes actually look like this now! 🥱
#sweeneytodd #sweeneytoddthedemonbarberoffleetstreet #johnnydepp #timburton #timburtonmovies #timburtonfilms #johnnydeppfans #johnnydeppforever

Freyja, God of War.
This was a great piece to work on over a couple sessions and a major part of a Norse sleeve!
#norse #norsemythology #norsegods #norsetattoo #norseart #freyja #freyjagoddess #freyjatattoo #mythologytattoo #mythologyart

Obi Wan!
As a huge Star Wars fan, it’s was great to do this piece which compliments a Darth Vader piece I created on the clients other forearm! Awesome fun! 😁
#starwars #starwarsfan #obiwankenobi #obiwan #theforce #jedi #jedimaster #jediknight #starwarsart #starwarstattoo #starwarsfanart #obiwankenobiseries

More evening sketch fun. As much as I love tattooing, it’s good to get back to regular art. Just sketching with little direction and seeing where it goes.
#davidbowie #david #davidbowie #bowie #ziggystardust #davidbowieforever #bowieforever #labyrinth #starman #davidbowiefan #davidrobertjones #aladdinsane #davidbowieart #themanwhofelltoearth #glamrock #davidbowiefanpage #jareth #jareththegoblinking #davidbowielove #thethinwhiteduke #thinwhiteduke #davidbowiefans

An evening practice sketch and the perfect opportunity to try some different techniques 😁
#keithflint #keithflintofficial #theprodigy #prodigy #theprodigyofficial #raisetheroof #sketch #portrait #portraitdrawing #portraitsketch #portraitart #portraitartist

A recent witch doctor piece and the start of a sleeve. Looking forward to adding more to this one 😈
Machine: @neotatmachines
Grip: @fkirons
Power: @criticaltattoosupply
Carts: @ghostcartridges
Inks: @dynamiccolor
Aftercare: @tattoospray
#witchdoctor #witchdr #witch #voodoo #voodoomagic #witchtattoo #witchdoctortattoo #voodootattoo

“One, two, Freddy’s coming for you…” A recent addition to an ongoing horror back piece!
Unfortunately I dropped the ball on getting a good photo 🤦♂️
Machine: @neotatmachines
Grip: @fkirons
Power: @criticaltattoosupply
Carts: @ghostcartridges
Inks: @dynamiccolor
Aftercare: @tattoospray
#freddykrueger #anightmareonelmstreet #robertenglund #elmstreet #freddiekruegertattoo #horrortattoos #horrorart #dreams #nightmare

A cool little gap filler piece from a few weeks back 💀
Machine: @neotatmachines
Grip: @fkirons
Power: @criticaltattoosupply
Carts: @ghostcartridges
Inks: @dynamiccolor
Aftercare: @tattoospray
#skull #skulls #skulltattoo #skullart #skullartwork #skulldrawing #skulltattoos #skulltattoodesign

“Smile!” 🃏📷
My favourite villain from one of my favourite graphic novels - a double win! The first piece of a full comic leg sleeve!
Machine: @neotatmachines
Grip: @fkirons
Power: @criticaltattoosupply
Carts: @ghostcartridges
Inks: @dynamiccolor
Aftercare: @tattoospray
#thejoker #joker #clownprinceofcrime #batman #thedarkknight #thekillingjoke #gotham #brianbolland #alanmoore #dc #comictattoo #dctattoo #jokertattoo #batmantattoo #dctattoo #comicart #graphicnovel

Feedback Friday! 😀
You can find the original Google review here: https://g.co/kgs/iZa2urw 👍
#tattoojourney #tattooapprentice #tattooreview #InkReview #TattooArtistReview #TattooEvaluation #TattooFeedback #InkOpinion #TattooRating #tattooApprenticeLife #InkApprentice #tattoojourney #ApprenticeTattooArtist #CreatingInk #TattooTraining #NewInkArtist #TattooPassion